Basic Postman Script Examples. Developers You Should Know

Enhance API development by grasping Postman scripts! By scripting your API requests, you can enhance efficiency and elevate the functionality of your API.

Postman Scripts, crafted in JavaScript, empower users to automate intricate workflows and enhance API testing. This article will delve into the realm of Postman script examples, examining their functionalities and benefits for streamlining and fortifying your API testing processes.


What are Postman Scripts For?

Postman Scripts, authored in JavaScript, empower developers to automate tasks and incorporate dynamic behaviors within applications. Here are a few compelling reasons why you should contemplate utilizing Postman Scripts.


Automating Repetitive Tasks

Imagine manually testing numerous APIs with slightly different parameters each time. Postman scripts can eliminate this obstacle. You can write scripts to automatically adjust request parameters, headers, or URLs based on pre-defined conditions, saving you significant time and effort.

Dynamic Request Building

While static requests serve their purpose, APIs often necessitate dynamic adjustments. Postman scripts enable you to construct requests on the fly. For example, a script could generate unique data for each request or fetch information from external sources to formulate customized test scenarios.

Enhanced Data Handling

Validating API responses is paramount. Postman scripts empower you to go beyond superficial checks. You can script to parse intricate JSON responses, extract specific data points, and compare them to expected values. This ensures that your API delivers the accurate data structure and content.

Conditional Logic and Workflows

API testing frequently entails intricate scenarios with branching paths. Postman scripts enable you to integrate conditional logic. Depending on response codes or extracted data, your scripts can decide the subsequent actions, like triggering follow-up requests or bypassing specific tests. This capability empowers you to construct robust test workflows that adapt to diverse API behaviors.

Integration and Reusability

Postman scripts seamlessly integrate with features such as Collections and Environments. These scripts can make use of environment variables to store reusable data, thereby enhancing their flexibility. Moreover, scripts designed for one request can often be repurposed for others, facilitating code reuse and reducing development time.

Postman Scripts Examples

Here are a few Postman script code snippets that developers might use within their API requests:

Automating Request Parameters

// Get the current timestamp and add it to the request body
pm.request.body.put("timestamp", pm.timestamp());

// Access an environment variable and use it in the URL
pm.environment.get("baseURL") + "/users/" + pm.variable("userId"); 

Dynamic Request Building

// Loop through an array of user IDs and send a GET request for each
pm.collectionVariables.forEach(function(variable) {
    url: pm.environment.get("baseURL") + "/users/" + variable.value,
    method: "GET"

// Generate random data for a POST request

Validating Response Data

// Check response status code
pm.test("Status code is 200", function() {;

// Extract a specific value from JSON response and compare it
const jsonData = pm.response.json();

Conditional Logic Based on Response

// If status code is 404, skip subsequent tests
pm.test("Check response status", function() {
  if ( {
    pm.test.skip("API endpoint not found, skipping further tests");
  } else {
    // Perform additional tests here

Implement Scripts with Ease Using Echoapi

Implementing scripts has become easier than ever! Allow me to introduce Echoapi, a comprehensive API development platform that provides users with complete tools for the entire API lifecycle.

With Echoapi, you can build, test, mock, and document APIs all within a single application. Say goodbye to switching between windows for different applications!

In Echoapi, it not only supports its own scripting syntax but also allows the use of Postman's scripting syntax.

Furthermore, in the interface post-processing, it also supports visually linking databases for functions like extraction and assertion correlation.


Echoapi offers a database connection feature, allowing developers to utilize databases for fetching input parameters or conducting assertion validations during interface debugging.


It supports connectivity with eight types of databases including Mysql, SQL Server, Oracle, Clickhouse, DaMeng Database, PostgreSQL, Redis, and MongoDB.

You can perform operations related to databases in pre-execution and post-execution scripts during API debugging, interface test cases, and automated testing.



When unfamiliar with scripting code and unable to proficiently write scripts, you can perform assertion operations visually.
This method is primarily used to test and verify the results of API requests after they are sent. Currently, direct assertion validation is supported for JSON, XML, text, headers, cookies, response codes, response times, temporary variables, environment variables, and global variables.


Extracting specific fields from the response of an API call and setting them as variables, akin to scripting.

pm.globals.set("key", "value");
pm.environment.set("key", "value");

Currently, we support direct extraction from Response JSON, Response XML, Response Text, Response Header, Response Cookie, and response time to set as temporary, environment, and global variables.


"Postman scripts transform API testing from a mundane task to a strategic and efficient process. By automating procedures, constructing dynamic requests, and meticulously verifying responses, they enable you to achieve broader test coverage. Additionally, their seamless integration with other Postman functionalities and potential for reuse streamline both development and maintenance efforts.

As your API ecosystem expands, Postman scripts become indispensable for ensuring the ongoing health and reliability of your APIs. Embrace the capabilities of scripting to elevate your API testing to a higher standard."