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API Status


API status indicates the current development stage of an interface, such as "In Development" or "Completed." It helps team members to track the interface's progress and enables filtering by status.

Using API Status

In the API Management module, you can mark the status of an interface or document. After marking the status, click Save to apply the changes.

image.png View and Filter Interface Status Directly in the Directory

image.png image.png

Manage API Status

In Settings -> Public Resource Maintenance -> API Status, you can add, edit, and modify default values.

image.png The system has four built-in statuses: In Development, Completed, Needs Modification, and Deprecated. These cannot be deleted or modified.

Add Status, support naming and defining colors.

Add Status: Create custom statuses by naming them and defining specific colors.


Set a Status as Default

When set as the default, any new interface will automatically use this status. If a status is deleted, interfaces using that status will revert to the default value.


Edit Status


Delete Status
